TSC announces 35,000 teaching vacancies, How to apply

TSC announces 35,000 teaching vacancies in both primary and secondary schools starting January 2023
TSC announces 35,000 teaching vacancies in both primary and secondary schools starting January 2023.
To the relief of thousands of unemployed tutors, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced 35,550 teaching openings in primary and secondary schools.
According to the notice shared on Friday, December 9, the mass recruitment of teachers will curb the shortage across the country.
“TSC invites applications from qualified candidates to fill the vacancies to support the implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC),” read part of the notice.
Among the offered positions were 1,000 positions for elementary school teachers and 9,000 positions for secondary school teachers with permanent and pensionable terms of service.
Additionally, TSC offered 4,000 positions in primary schools and 21,550 positions for teachers’ internships.
TSC’s announcement came after the government pledged to recruit 30,000 teachers for the academic year starting in 2023.
“The Ministry of Education, Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), and the TSC will work on modalities of fast-tracking retooling teachers to ensure the country has sufficient numbers who are compliant with CBC,” read part of the statement shared by the State House Spokesperson, Hussein Mohamed.
How to Apply
Interested candidates were asked to submit their application online through the commission’s website www.tsc.go.ke.
Click on the careers tab to submit your application.
Also, applicants can visit the teachersonline.tsc.go.ke for submissions.
Applicants must upload copies of professional and academic certificates together with other relevant documents where necessary.
All applications should be submitted before Friday, December 16, 2022.
Notably, if the applicant’s names differ on different documents, they must present an affidavit sworn under the Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act, Cap 15 of the Constitution, when called for an interview.
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