July 1, 2024

TSC calls teachers’ unions to review salary increase

2 min read
TSC calls teachers' unions to review salary increase

TSC (Teachers Service Commission) scheduled to hold talks with teacher's unions over salary review talks

TSC (Teachers Service Commission) scheduled to hold talks with teacher’s unions over salary review talks.

The meeting is expected to review the 2021/2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) signed in July 2021 due to the effects of Covid-19 on the country’s economy.

The agreement was signed by TSC, the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET), and the Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (KUSNET). 

TSC in a letter dated August 15 invited the unions at the Kenya School of Government (KSG) to review the CBA.

“The purpose of this letter is to invite you to a meeting with TSC scheduled for August 22 at 9.00 am. The meeting will take place at Kenya School of Government, Lower Kabete in Nairobi,” reads the letter.

The invitation follows the Salaries and Remuneration Commission’s (SRC) announcement that civil officials will receive a seven to ten percent pay increase over the next two years.

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However, KUPPET secretary general Akello Misori said they will reject the seven to 10 percent salary proposal.

He stated that a base salary increase of 70%, promotions, medical benefits, and a pension plan will be the key topics of discussion.

“We shall focus on where our Collective Bargaining Agreement talks stalled. We shall not slide to new proposals because we had already started talks on the salaries,” Misori said.

Misori demanded that teachers’ salaries should be reviewed before increasing the salaries of state officers.

“If any further proof was needed that the government is able to review teachers’ salaries, this SRC recommendation is sufficient,” Misori said.

He said SRC’s proposal of salary increment to state officers is ‘ironical’ since “they usually claim they cannot afford to pay teachers”.

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