March 25, 2025

TSC cancels teacher promotions after protest

TSC cancels teacher promotions after protest

TSC cancels teacher promotions after protest by Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET)

TSC cancels teacher promotions after protest by Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET).

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has canceled an advert for 14,738 promotion vacancies.

The cancelation comes after protests from teachers’ unions claiming that they had been given a raw deal.

Omboko Milemba, the chairman of the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET), supported the cancellation and requested that the TSC increase the number of openings.

He added that many deserving teachers would be excluded if the process was to go on as planned.

“People deserving promotion are not the target of the advertisement. These are teachers in C3 and C4 job groups. It is a drop in the ocean,” Mr. Milemba said.

According to the advertisement, most of the positions would have gone to primary schools, with just 3,392 secondary school slots.

Since the Wednesday advertisement, social media has been awash with protests of teachers being given a raw deal.

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The openings resulted through deaths, resignations, or retirements. In addition to teaching, many instructors have been serving in managerial capacities.

Mr. Milemba blamed the commission for not promoting teachers, thus making them lose benefits.

He revealed that his office is working on data to establish the extent of the problem and what teachers are owed.

He put the figure at more than Sh1 billion.

“This is a pending bill that’s not qualified. It is the exploitation of labour by the TSC and government. I’ve put a question in Parliament but I’m doing research with my office staff to back the numbers up. It’s become impossible to be promoted unless you’re in administration,” the Emuhaya MP said.

The commissioners’ representatives found it difficult to provide an explanation for the lack of advancement when they spoke before the Education Committee.

“The commission has not been granted additional budgetary allocations for the promotion of teachers for the past 10 years except in July 2017,” TSC Chief Executive Nancy Macharia said, adding that promotion is consequently based on vacancies arising from natural attrition.

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