July 4, 2024

Uhuru Kenyatta paying staff from own pocket, vehicles taken away; Spokesperson

3 min read
Uhuru Kenyatta paying staff from own pocket, vehicles taken away; Spokesperson

Uhuru spokesperson, Kanze Dena says the former president pays for staff from his own pocket amid dispute with Ruto administration

Uhuru spokesperson, Kanze Dena says the former president pays for staff from his own pocket amid dispute with Ruto administration.

According to a publication by The Saturday Standard, the government has declined to lease the former head of state Uhuru Kenyatta’s residence adjacent to the State House as his official base. 

Uhuru’s spokesperson, Kanze Dena, said the retired president is now paying his staff from his pocket and that even the vehicles that he is lawfully entitled to have not yet been provided. 

The size of Uhuru’s office, his entourage while traveling, and the number of staff have been points of contention between the former president and the current administration. 

Whereas the Ruto administration has offered Uhuru a KSh 250 million one-story office at the Nyari Complex in Nairobi, which the third president, the late Mwai Kibaki, previously occupied, Uhuru has insisted that he use his former home adjacent to the State House. 

In a letter to State House Comptroller Katoo Ole Metito, Uhuru’s private secretary Kinuthia Mbugua noted that the office of the Retired President ‘shall be domiciled in the premises located off Dennis Pritt Road, and at the corner of Gate D The entrance to State House, Nairobi, Plot reference number:209/1570.’ 

Kanze said Uhuru Kenyatta had been denied an opportunity to have an office of his choice, just like his predecessors, the late Daniel Arap Moi and Kibaki, had and was now being forced to use an office previously occupied by Kibaki. 

Kanze said Uhuru is entitled to KSh 20 million for office rent per year, but currently, he has been forced to furnish an office within his private compound in Nairobi owing to his position as East Africa Community facilitator for peace initiative in Congo DRC and Tigray region in Ethiopia.

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The former president’s spokesperson wondered why Uhuru would be denied an opportunity to have an office of his choice, yet even former prime minister Raila Odinga and former vice president Kalonzo Musyoka have been allowed to operate offices of their choice. 

“The former Presidents, Vice Presidents, and former Prime Minister were allowed to give suggestion on the office spaces that they preferred, why is former president Uhuru Kenyatta being denied an opportunity to have a private office of his choice befitting his status. “The major issue is the former President being denied a chance to have an office of his choice. 

There is also the case of taking away the vehicles that he gone home with after handing over power with no replacement, why is he being intimidated and treated badly yet he served this country well,” said Kanze.

However, a senior official at the Presidency, who sought anonymity said that the government had explored Uhuru’s proposal to lease his house as his private office and found it untenable. 

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