July 2, 2024

Uhuru Kenyatta rubbishes government claims on office funding

3 min read
Uhuru Kenyatta rubbishes government claims on office funding

Former State House Spokesperson Kanze Dena has claimed that former President Uhuru Kenyatta is running his office using his own money

Former State House Spokesperson Kanze Dena has claimed that former President Uhuru Kenyatta is running his office using his own money. 

The office of former President Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday refuted claims that he enjoyed a fully furnished office and brand new cars complete with fueling financed by the state.

Speaking during a press briefing on Monday, June 10, Kanze maintained that the former Head of State was not enjoying a fully furnished office as the office he acquired after retirement was through his own money.

She further claimed that when they wrote to the State House, there was no official response.

“On the issue of the office, before retirement and during his retirement, the former President Uhuru Kenyatta has been sought to undertake various international roles in his capacity as a former head of state. These engagements necessitated the need to identify and establish a suitable office for the former president to enable him to carry out these roles.

“With no response from State House and a lack of commitment to finalize on the issue of the office space, H.E. the former president identified a suitable office space and went ahead to fully furnish and equip it from his pocket,” Kanze remarked.

The former State House Spokesperson further claimed that a letter was written to the State House requesting the valuation of the office, but there was no response.

“A formal letter was written to State House requesting the valuation of the office that was identified by the former president as suitable for him to carry out his duties. However, the office did not receive a response on the issue and instead, the communication that the office received was via text message,” she further stated.

Kanze, however, disclosed that Uhuru received a lump sum of Sh48 million as a gratuity from the current administration, as earlier reported by government spokesperson Isaac Mwaura.

She further confirmed that the former president was receiving his monthly allowances and had medical cover.

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Kanze further explained that the cars Uhuru is using are the same ones he left in during the September 2022 handover ceremony. He was allocated two Toyota Land Cruisers, one Mercedes Benz and one Range Rover for his personal use. These vehicles were not new.

“What the government spokesperson did not clarify is that the vehicles located to the former President for personal use were not new, they were part of his motorcade when he left Kasarani during the inauguration ceremony,” she added.

“It is the position of the office of the third retired President that the government of the day has not undertaken nor facilitated any repairs, maintenance of any vehicles under this office nor fueled any cars under this office.”

She explained that the fuel and repair cards were blocked in March 2023 and the situation remains the same to date.

According to Dena, the Head of State was entitled to two new vehicles with an engine capacity of 3000cc replaceable every three years. He was also entitled to two others with an engine capacity of between 3000cc and 4000cc.

She noted that former President Daniel Moi and Mwai Kibaki had received more cars after retiring, each one’s doubling that of Uhuru.

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