July 3, 2024

US Ambassador Meg Whitman admits making a blunder in proclaiming 2022 Kenyan elections were transparent

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US Ambassador Meg Whitman admits making a blunder in proclaiming 2022 Kenyan elections were transparent

US Ambassador Meg Whitman concedes that she had erred by proclaiming that the 2022 presidential elections were transparent (free and fair)

US Ambassador Meg Whitman concedes that she had erred by proclaiming that the 2022 presidential elections were transparent (free and fair).

Speaking while appearing in an interview with a local TV station, Meg Whitman remarked that when she made those remarks on August 16, she did not anticipate they would cause so much controversy.

Whitman was alluding to remarks she made on August 6 at the Devolution Conference in Eldoret, where she insisted that Kenya had conducted the most transparent elections on the continent and presented Kenya as a shining example of democracy.

“I was surprised as I did not think what I said was pretty controversial. Then I understood that many people at that conference thought it was controversial,” she stated adding that she learned from the incident. 

The remarks didn’t sit well within Azimio camp with Raila Odinga calling on her to keep off Kenyan politics. 

The US Ambassador explained that if she were to do that again, she would say it differently. 

Pressed to explain how she would do things differently, she stated, “I could just have said nothing at all. I could have gone right into why Kenya (is good for investment).”

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Additionally, she stated that during the conference she would have used excellent instead of credible, free, and fair. 

Whitman added that while the choice of words was unfortunate. However, she stood by her sentiments that Kenya was the top destination for foreign investors. 

In particular, she pointed out that Kenya is ideal because it doesn’t experience political upheavals like most African nations.

“I think Kenya should be proud that there was no violence associated with this election,” she remarked pointing at turmoils affecting Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and military coups in West Africa. 

The ambassador noted that the stability in Kenya made sure that investors were not caught in the middle of something they did not anticipate. 

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