July 3, 2024

US delegates to Kenya the responsibility to determine multinational force needs for Haiti

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US delegates to Kenya the responsibility to determine multinational force needs for Haiti

US praises Kenya for volunteering to lead a multinational force set to be deployed in the Caribbean nation, Haiti

US praises Kenya for volunteering to lead a multinational force set to be deployed in the Caribbean nation, Haiti.

The United States has delegated to Kenya the responsibility of defining the needs of the multinational force that will be sent to Haiti.

On Tuesday, August 1, the United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken lauded President William Ruto for considering deploying 1,000 police officers to address spiraling insecurity and gang violence in Haiti. 

Blinken noted that Kenya was better placed to curb the growing humanitarian emergency in Haiti after volunteering to lead a multinational force set to be deployed to the Caribbean nation. 

“We commend the Government of Kenya for responding to Haiti’s call and leading a multinational force to assist Haitian police in restoring security. 

“We call on Haitian stakeholders to urgently broaden political consensus to restore democratic order as soon as conditions permit,” Blinken stated. 

In addition, the US is committed to fostering a United Nations Security Council resolution to provide legal coverage for this deployment.

In addition, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller announced that Ecuador had agreed to join the Kenya-led multinational force.

Ecuador and the US are scheduled to present a resolution in the United Nations Security Council authorizing the mission.

“We have made it a priority to find a lead nation to operate this multinational force. That has been a challenge. There have been a number of conversations, some of which have been reported publicly and some of which have not. 

“But I will say that we are pleased, as the Secretary (Blinken) said in a statement, we are pleased that Kenya is stepping up and positively considering leading this to assume this role,” Miller stated.

Canada also pledged to support Kenya’s effort through a financial package. 

On Monday, July 31, the UN approved Kenya’s decision, and its Secretary-General António Guterres also praised Ruto.

The return of such a force, reminiscent of the controversial UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) that ended six years ago, stirs mixed feelings in the Caribbean nation.

Past missions have been contentious, causing concern among many Haitians, particularly given the unresolved legacy of MINUSTAH, accused of causing a cholera outbreak and sexual abuse.

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Over recent months, Haiti has witnessed escalated violence, resulting in numerous casualties, destroyed homes, and thousands of displaced persons.

Armed gangs, acting with impunity, have filled the void left by ineffective authorities.

Kenya’s pledge to deploy police officers to Haiti hinges on the approval of the UN Security Council and Kenya’s constitutional processes.

While the announcement signals a potential shift in Haiti’s crisis, some voices warn about Kenya’s lack of experience in such operations.

As part of the population eagerly anticipates the intervention, others, scarred by past operations, show reluctance.

Some suggest that the physical resemblance between Kenyans and Haitians could facilitate acceptance of the mission.

Haiti’s Foreign Minister, Jean-Victor Généus, reacted positively to Kenya’s announcement, expressing gratitude for the African solidarity.

However, former Prime Minister Claude Joseph voiced skepticism, questioning Kenya’s ability to manage an international force while dealing with its own internal crises.

This potential intervention comes as Haiti’s governance situation remains precarious.

Ariel Henry, governing without a Congress or political opposition since the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in 2021, faces accusations of unfulfilled promises.

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