July 1, 2024

US in a joint operation with Kenya takes out TEN AlShabaab Terrorists

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US in a joint operation with Kenya takes out TEN AlShabaab Terrorists

US special forces and Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) conducted three self-defense airstrikes that killed ten AlShabaab Terrorists

US special forces and Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) conducted three self-defense airstrikes that killed ten AlShabaab Terrorists.

On Sunday, July 9, US Africa Command-affiliated special forces reported that they had killed 10 Al-Shabaab terrorists in an operation with the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) and Somali National Army (SNA). 

In a tweet sharing a statement issued by the US military, Defence Cabinet Secretary (CS) Aden Duale reported that the joint operation conducted three self-defense airstrikes in Afmadow, Somalia.

The Counter Terrorism and Security Intelligence (CTNSIS) agency reports that three Kenyans were among the militants who were killed by the airstrikes. 

“Working with the Somali National Army, U.S. Africa Command’s initial assessment is that the U.S. airstrike killed 10 Al-Shabaab terrorists and that no civilians were injured or killed,” the statement read.

The terror organization was referred to as “the largest and most kinetically active Al-Qaeda network in the world” by the US military in a statement following the attacks.

Al-Shabaab had demonstrated both the willingness and the ability to target partner forces operating in Somalia, including the US troops, according to the report, which called for the risky military operation.

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The joint operation, according to CTNSIS, sent commandos to the area, took control of an IED factory, and found a suicide vehicle-born improvised explosive device (SVBIED).

Two other militants killed were Ethiopians. 

The commandos deployed in the Hagar area to execute the operation were successfully extracted with no casualties reported.

The operation came a few days after KDF snipers neutralised a suicide bomber targeting a security agency camp in Lamu County.

On Thursday, July 6, Garowe Online, a Somali publication, reported that the suicide bomber was taken out while approaching Camp Sarira in Lamu.

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