June 29, 2024

US speaks on snubbing Trade CS Moses Kuria

2 min read
US speaks on snubbing Trade CS Moses Kuria

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US Trade Representative Katherine Tai admits to refusing to meet with Trade CS Moses Kuria during her trip to Kenya.

US Trade Representative Katherine Tai has revealed that the Kenyan Government knows why she snubbed Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria during her visit to Kenya.

On Wednesday, July 19, the envoy talked to a delegation shortly after meeting with President William Ruto. 

She chose not to publicly state why she had chosen to avoid the vocal CS, instead sending journalists to the Kenyan administration.

“My visit here is very much about advancing, deepening, and broadening the USA-Kenya relationship in economics as well as the USA trade relationship with East Africa. 

“I did not meet with CS Kuria, in terms of why I did not meet with him I’d have to refer you to the Kenyan government,” she stated.

Tai met with Ruto at State House for discussions, but the Trade CS was noticeably absent.

The Head of State said that the two nations were close trading partners and that new prospects were expected to create jobs.

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“America is our key trade and investment partner. Under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, Kenya has developed its value chains, expanded and diversified its exports, creating thousands of employment opportunities,” Ruto explained.

Reports indicated that the representative declined to meet the CS on two occasions.

They claimed that Tai was not comfortable holding a meeting with the former Gatundu south MP over his ‘foul’ language.

The US Trade Representative jetted into the country on Monday, July 17, and was expected to hold a meeting touching on the Investment Framework Agreement Council and the US-East Africa Community Trade.

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