July 2, 2024

Why I fell out with Raila despite introducing me to politics, Duale

3 min read
Why I fell out with Raila despite introducing me to politics, Duale

Duale spills beans on why he fell out with the ODM party leader, Raila Odinga who he was once a staunch supporter

Duale spills beans on why he fell out with the ODM party leader, Raila Odinga who he was once a staunch supporter.

Before their relationship soured, Opposition Chief Raila Odinga and Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale had a close bond.

Duale has positioned himself as Raila’s principal campaigner in the Northern Kenya region prior to the 2007 general elections.

But on Wednesday, the CS revealed how and why, during the establishment of the 2008 Grand Coalition government, he had a disagreement with the leader of the Opposition.

“Baba introduced me to the school of politics… We campaigned for Raila Odinga mainly in the Muslim areas. I was his chief campaigner in the North; both in terms of the numbers, and resources, and that is where the politics of deceit started,” Duale said.

At that time, the CS had been elected as Garissa Township MP under the ODM ticket.

However, in the grand coalition government led by late President Mwai Kibaki and Raila as the Prime Minister, they chose the late Mohamed Yusuf Haji as Defence Minister over Duale.]

“When the cabinet of the grand coalition was formed, Raila Odinga looked at me in the eyes and said Kibaki has appointed another candidate, Haji, to be the Minister for Defence so we can’t have two of you from the same county, the same district then,” Duale explained.

The late Haji hailed from the same district as Duale.

Duale explained that he told Raila he ought to have informed him earlier on Haji’s appointment instead of betraying him.

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“I remember I told him he should have told me, I would have gone to PNU and squared out with Haji for the ministerial position, I was part of your coalition,” he said.

He went to accuse Raila of conspiring with late President Mwai Kibaki to fire him and President William Ruto from the then-grand coalition cabinet.

“It is Raila who fired Ruto…William Ruto and I were fired on the same day. 

It was around three o’clock. I was in my office and the screens showed the following have been sacked as ministers,” said Duale.

Duale is one of Ruto’s close allies with their relationship dating back to before 2013 when the Jubilee party took over.

CS Duale and Ruto who were ODM rebels left the Raila Odinga-led party. 

They formed the United Republican Party, which entered into a coalition agreement with The National Alliance to form Jubilee.

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