July 2, 2024

Why Kalonzo skipped Azimio meeting chaired by Raila Odinga

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Why Kalonzo skipped Azimio meeting chaired by Raila Odinga

Kalonzo Musyoka misses the Azimio la Umoja meeting led by Raila Odinga in Nairobi

Kalonzo Musyoka misses the Azimio la Umoja meeting led by Raila Odinga in Nairobi. 

On Tuesday, January 30, Azimio One Kenya Coalition Party Executive Summit was held without the presence of Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

However Leader of the DAP-K party Eugene Wamalwa explained to the reporters following the meeting that Kalonzo was unable to attend as he had other commitments in South Sudan at the time.

 Wamalwa reported that Kalonzo apologized in writing and gave the go-ahead for the meeting to proceed without him.

“Absent with apology was the Honorable Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka who is currently in Sudan for other engagements but who spoke to our leader this morning and sent his apologies and the meeting went on with his blessing and his views were incorporated,” Wamalwa stated.

The meeting was attended by Raila Odinga, Martha Karua, Eugene Wamalwa Mwangi Wa Iria, Wycliffe Oparanya, Peter Munya, Jeremiah Kioni, Nderitu Murithi, George Wajackoyah, and Opiyo Wandayi.

During the meeting Raila dismissed reports that the opposition coalition was splitting after leaders fell out.

“There has been a lot of speculation in the media that Azimio is splitting and convening meetings which have not been held that is all trash media propaganda,” Raila stated.

Karua who also read the coalition’s statement noted that they had a robust discussion and agreed on different strategies and tactical positions.

“Azimio remains one and is here to stay committed to shared values that include accountability, integrity, public participation, good governance, respect for the rule of law, social justice, and non-discrimination,” Karua stated.

The Narc Kenya boss mentioned that the Azimio coalition will strengthen its constituent parties through member recruitment drives, delegates conferences, and PG and NEC meetings.

“All constituent parties have committed to pursuing a common program of action that addresses the challenges the country is going through and advance and defend the gains of democracy,” she added.

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In addition, the Azimio Coalition warned the United States against meddling in Kenya’s internal affairs.

The coalition in particular, accused the US of allegedly having a hand in the Kenya Kwanza administration’s decision to deploy police officers to Haiti.

Karua remarked that the US and other foreign powers should recognise that Kenya is a sovereign State that ought to operate independently and make its own decisions.

“We take note of the support expressed by the US government for the Ruto regime to appeal against the ruling on the deployment of police to Haiti,” Karua stated.

“It is our hope that all parties should respect the independence of the Judiciary and foreign interests should keep off our national affairs.”

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