June 29, 2024

Why Kenyans don’t want Raila to be AU Commission Chair; Paul Mwangi

2 min read
Why Kenyans don't want Raila to be AU Commission Chair; Paul Mwangi

Paul Mwangi, Raila's lawyer explains why Kenyans don't want the former prime minister to be AU Commission Chair

Paul Mwangi, Raila’s lawyer explains why Kenyans don’t want the former prime minister to be AU Commission Chair.

ODM leader Raila Odinga’s lead legal counsel Paul Mwangi now says a majority of Kenyans are against the former’s bid at the African Union secretariat.

Raila seeks to succeed Chad’s Moussa Faki as the African Union Commission chairperson.

He declared his bid for the continental post in February this year.

Speaking of the bid, Mwangi said it is not a matter of life and death for Raila.

According to the attorney, Kenyans pray that the former prime minister flunks the race so that he could be occupied in the local affairs bedevilling the country.

“Firstly, I can tell that the AU job is not a life-and-death deal for Baba. He would not sell his soul for it. Secondly, I wish you knew how many Kenyans out there are so unhappy about the AU job that they would believe God answered their prayers if Baba didn’t get it,” said Mwangi.

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The lawyer was responding to Kericho senator Aaron Cheruiyot’s argument that Raila was denting his chances of being the next AUC by scathingly attacking President William Ruto.

On Friday, May 3, Raila launched scathing attacks on the president, whom he accused of maladministration and mishandling of the country.

Raila pointed out supposed leadership gaps on the side of the government witnessed during the prevalent flooding disaster,

By virtue of Ruto being Raila’s chief campaigner, Cheruiyot argued that Raila was out of order to attack him (Ruto).

“(Raila’s) constituency now is African Presidents. They hold the key to his next election. He is out here insulting a man they all hold in such high regard. On election day, when they evaluate his credentials, how do you imagine it will end?”

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