July 3, 2024

Why Museveni is threatening to deport Kenyans as he issues ultimatums to Ruto

3 min read
Why Museveni is threatening to deport Kenyans as he issues ultimatums to Ruto

President Museveni threatens to deport Kenyans living in Uganda over cattle rustling and smuggling guns

President Museveni threatens to deport Kenyans living in Uganda over cattle rustling and smuggling guns.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni asked the Kenyan government to comply with his demands or else the Turkana people living in his country would be deported within six months.

In an executive order dated May 19, 2023, Museveni expressed frustrations that his leniency in allowing the Turkana community to graze in Uganda was met with hostility as he claimed they brought guns to the country.

He added that this led to increased criminal cases in the Karimonjong area including the theft of 2,245 cattle from the Ugandan residents.

“Long ago, I ordered these Turkanas to never bring guns into Uganda. They should just come and graze their cattle minus being armed.

“They, however, did not listen to this. Instead, they raided our disarmed Karimonjong, killed people, raped them, etc. They are said to have raided 2245 cattle from the Jie. They killed our 3 (three), Geologists, 1 (one) Officer, and a soldier, that were guarding them. I now direct that this Turkana nonsense must stop,” he stated.

Alluding to this, Museveni demanded President William Ruto’s government hand over Turkana herders accused of killing the Ugandan geologists for a murder trial.

He noted that the guns were handed back to the Ugandan government, but not the killers. 

Once brought, the killers ought to perform a traditional ritual for the bereaved families where they are required to produce cows equivalent to what the deceased would have contributed in his or her lifetime.

In the case regarding the theft of 2,245 cattle, the Ugandan president noted that Turkana ought to provide the same number of stolen cattle.

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“Through the coordination of the Governments of Kenya and Uganda, the Turkana must bring back to the victim communities the number of cattle equal to the cattle they stole from them.

“Here caution should be used because our own people could be exaggerating the numbers. In order to ease the task of cattle identification, the Kenya government and Uganda government should coordinate on cattle branding to show the district and sub-county of the respective cattle populations,” he added.

Further, he warned that Turkanas crossing the border with guns risk arrest and charges of terrorism by a Court Martial.

The Ugandan president gave the Ruto administration six months to comply with the directives, failure to which his government would expel all the Kenyan Turkanas and their cattle.

Further, Turkanas would be banned from re-entering Uganda with their animals.

“I now direct that this Turkana nonsense must stop. They must never come to Uganda with guns and anybody who does so, must be arrested and charged with terrorism by a Court Martial,” he said.

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