July 5, 2024

Why Uhuru Kenyatta is resigning Azimio coalition

2 min read
Why Uhuru Kenyatta is resigning Azimio coalition

Uhuru Kenyatta is resigning from Raila's led coalition, Azimio la Umoja to focus on international duties

Uhuru Kenyatta is resigning from Raila’s led coalition, Azimio la Umoja to focus on international duties.

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta is set to resign as the coalition’s chairperson on or before February 2023, indicating turbulence in the Azimio regime’s political boat.

This is according to legal experts who outline legal and ethical reasons why the former president should resign.

In an interview with local media, lawyer Martin Oloo outlined three criteria that would push the former president out of the Azimio coalition.

Why Uhuru Kenyatta is resigning Azimio

Retirement Benefits

Martin Oloo, who is an Advocate of the High Court said that the former president must follow the law if he sought to enjoy retirement benefits.

“It is a condition which he has been given that he should stay off from active politics and not hold political office,” the lawyer explained.

According to the Presidential Retirements Benefits Act of 2003, a retired president should not hold political office if he wants to draw retirement benefits.

“A retired president will not get pension if he has held office in, or actively engaged in the activities of any political party contrary to the provisions of section 6(1),” the Act reads in part.

Section 6 (1) of the act states, “A retired President shall not hold office in any political party for more than six months after ceasing to hold office as President.”

International Diplomacy

Oloo explained that, aside from retirement benefits, the president should retire in order to continue his diplomatic role and leave a legacy.

“The former president should resign so that he can focus on his peacekeeping efforts and serving Pan-Africanism,” Oloo says.

“Uhuru does not need to be weighed down by Azimio party acts; it would be awkward for him to appear on the streets with Raila Odinga while calling for continental peace,” he added.

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No future in local politics

Uhuru’s contribution to local issues through party politics, according to the seasoned lawyer, is now over.

“Uhuru does not want to continue being politically active, so he should retire,” he contends.

“There are enough people who can do local politics,” Oloo advised the former president.

Uhuru has taken a political back seat in recent months, fueling speculation that he intends to relinquish leadership of the Jubilee Party and the Azimio Coalition.

On September 7, 2022, the former president attended Azimio’s parliamentary meeting in Kajiado County, his last political appearance.

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