July 3, 2024

Zibwabwe to lock out diplomats whose presidents skip Mnangagwa’s inauguration

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Zibwabwe to lock out diplomats whose presidents skip Mnangagwa’s inauguration

Foreign diplomats whose their presidents will skip Emmerson Mnangagwa’s inauguration to be locked out from the swearing event

Foreign diplomats whose their presidents will skip Emmerson Mnangagwa’s inauguration to be locked out from the swearing event.

Zimbabwe has limited admission of foreign envoys attending President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s inauguration to those accompanying their respective Heads of State.

The country’s Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ambassador James Manzou advised diplomats whose Heads of State will not be traveling for the event to keep off.

“Please be advised that only heads of mission whose heads of states or government are attending the inauguration ceremony will be allowed to come,” he said in a note sent to all missions represented in Harare.

Mnangagwa won a contested in August after garnering 52.6 per cent of the vote according to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, defeating his opponent Nelson Chamisa who got 44 per cent of the vote under the Citizens Coalition for Change party.

He will be sworn in on Monday, September 4, 2023 at the National Sports Stadium in Zimbabwe.

The elections were marred by delays that fuelled opposition accusations of rigging and voter suppression.

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The vote was being watched across southern Africa as a test of support for Mnangagwa’s ZANU-PF, whose 43-year rule has been battered by its disastrous management of the economy and charges of authoritarianism.

Foreign poll monitors said on Friday that the elections had failed to meet regional and international standards.

The head of the European Union’s observer mission said the vote took place in a “climate of fear”. 

Southern African regional bloc SADC’s mission noted issues including voting delays, issues with the voter roll, bans on opposition rallies and biased state media coverage.

“The elections were fraught with irregularities and aggrieved the people of Zimbabwe,” political analyst Rejoice Ngwenya said.

“The CCC has good grounds to go to court and challenge the outcome”.

ZANU-PF denies it has an unfair advantage or seeks to influence the outcome of elections through rigging.

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