July 3, 2024

Mudavadi defends Ruto’s performance as 100 day approaches

3 min read

Mudavadi defends Ruto’s performance as 100 day approaches since the Kenya Kwanza Alliance formed the government.

As the 100-day mark approaches in early December, Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has defended the performance of the Kenya Kwanza Government during President William Ruto’s early stages of leadership.

Mudavadi claimed that despite the challenging times currently being experienced, particularly due to the inherited enormous public debt, the country’s deteriorating economic situation, and the drought and famine situation in most parts of the country, things will eventually start to improve gradually.

“We are at the nuptial stages, but we will hack it. The good thing is we are all on the same page on what we want to do for Kenyans. The Chinese have a saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step forward,” Mudavadi said.

He hinted that the first cabinet meeting held under the new regime, which was last week, provided a plan for what should be done going forward, dismissing opponents who assert that the government has failed.

The executive branch of government has already started building the groundwork for economic recovery, job creation, and food security, according to the Prime Cabinet Secretary.

“The high cost of living is an inherited deluge of a government that lived beyond its means, a headache that the former government left to us. You cannot sincerely attribute the current pain Kenyans are going through to this government,” said Mudavadi in an interview.

The Prime Cabinet Secretary assured Kenyans that a number of austerity measures will be put in place not to harm the people but to help out in cleaning the mess inherited from the previous government.

In addition, Mudavadi has maintained that the outgoing regime used “The Scorched-Earth-Policy” approach as an attempt to set Ruto’s government for failure and this is where serious policy decisions will have to be made to bring the economy back on the right trajectory while easing the cost of living.

“We have a plan to invest in ventures that will create jobs for these Kenyans. We are setting up structures to boost close to 10m informal sector workers—mama mbogas, hawkers, mkokoteni pushers—who are often left out in provision of government services to foster and uplift their services,” said Mudavadi.

He further indicated there are some quarters which are deliberately misinforming Kenyans and trying to imagine that their utterances may lead to the creation of a mountain from an anti-hill.

“The idea is meant to lessen tensions for Kenyinans seeking employment. It is also helpful to KRA in monitoring who has graduated as a taxpayer. It’s good for the country. You can only misconceive it if you support tax evaders,” said Mudavadi.

“Nostalgia can be dangerous for an opposition that is supposed to oversight a current government. It’s time we realized that we are facing the worst financial and economic situation the country has ever faced in decades,” he added.

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