July 8, 2024

Uhuru responds to attacks by Ruto over tax evasion claims

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Uhuru responds to attacks by Ruto over tax evasion claims

Uhuru responds to attacks by President Ruto and Kenya Kwanza allies over tax evasion allegations

Uhuru responds to attacks by President Ruto and Kenya Kwanza allies over tax evasion allegations.

The former president while speaking at the late professor George Magoha’s home, on Tuesday, January 31 disregarded the ruling government’s attempts to go after his family. 

Uhuru took over from Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka, who had compared the attacks on Uhuru to the time when certain MPs in the eighth Parliament conspired to oust former President Moi from his farm and Kibra mansion.

Kalonzo gave credit to former President Mwai Kibaki for stopping the move and handing over the title deed to Moi.

The former president acknowledged this while reiterating that they would not meddle with the functioning of the in-power government.

“Don’t worry about these people who are making noise, people who have nothing else to do will always make noise. That’s life. We’ll mind our business,” Uhuru stated. 

Kalonzo criticized the Kenya Kwanza administration for hunting the retired president – four months after he left office. 

“What would George do on hearing that his number one is now being victimized? I want to tell you Kenyans if anybody was today going to victimize President Uhuru Kenyatta, I don’t know what would happen to this country because he was Magoha’s boss,” Kalonzo posed. 

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His response comes after Mt Kenya Senators allied to demanded a probe into Uhuru’s businesses for the past ten years. 

The legislators urged President William Ruto to order an audit into the tax waivers allegedly enjoyed by the former Head of State since ascending into office.

The Senators included Senators John Methu (Nyandarua), James Murango (Kirinyaga), Wahome Wamatinga (Nyeri), and Tabitha Mutinda (nominated). The politicians further accused Uhuru of sponsoring Azimio’s rally to sabotage Ruto’s revenue plan.

“He was given waivers for the taxes for the last ten years. We are doing an audit report and we will place it on the floor of the house and he must pay that,” Wamatinga stated.

Kirinyaga’s Murango also called on county governments to establish whether Uhuru paid his land rates. 

Politicians reiterated Ruto’s position on taxation, according to which his administration would not exempt anyone from paying their taxes.

“We cannot function in an environment where individuals in positions of authority use all available means to avoid paying taxes.

“The president said in Mombasa at the National Assembly Post-Election Seminar, “I want to inform people who used to exempt themselves from paying tax that their day is up even if they support demonstrations.

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