July 7, 2024

Thugs raid Nairobi home of CS Jumwa, steal one million

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Thugs raid Nairobi home of CS Jumwa, steal one million

Thugs raid Nairobi home of Public Service Cabinet Secretary Aisha, steal one million and gold jewelry

Thugs raid Nairobi home of Public Service Cabinet Secretary Aisha Jumwa, steal one million and gold jewelry.

Police are investigating a robbery incident that occurred on Wednesday at Public Service Cabinet Secretary Aisha Jumwa’s Loresho home.

The incident that was reported to the police by one of the officers attached to the CS’s security detail occurred at around 1:45 pm when she was away on official duty.

A gang of three men armed with crude weapons entered the compound by breaking through the electric perimeter wall, according to the police, and entered the main home through the back door, which was left unlocked.

The complaint booked under the number 3/15/02/2023 stated the gang entered the residence and went right to the master bedroom upstairs where they ransacked the bedroom and stole gold jewelry and two laptops.

They then went to the bedroom where her two daughters were sleeping and robbed them of Sh1.1 million, three mobile phones, and jewelry of unknown value. 

One of the daughters sustained slight injuries during the incident.

There were two daughters and a household in the house at the time of the incident, police revealed.

The thugs spent almost three hours in the house before leaving at about 5 am on Wednesday, the victims said.

The guards who were on duty were missing and it is believed they could be part of the gang behind the attack on the house.

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The affected house lies on a compound that has similar structures, which are still under construction.

Police who visited the scene said they had not been informed CS Jumwa stayed there.

“She had not informed the police in Gigiri or Nairobi Area that she acquired this house and moved there. That would explain why there were no armed police on duty there,” said an officer who attended the scene.

Crime scene experts visited the scene on Wednesday morning and spent their time looking for evidence of who the attackers could be.

Nairobi Regional Police Commander Adamson Bungei said they suspect the attackers knew the house well.

“This looks like an incident committed by people who knew what they wanted and knew there were no police officers at the compound.”

“According to preliminary findings, they knew what they wanted. They demanded valuables and cash from the victims,” said Bungei.

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