July 3, 2024

MUHURI castigates IG Koome over the withdrawal of Azimio leaders’ security 

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MUHURI castigates IG Koome over the withdrawal of Azimio leaders' security

MUHURI calls out IG Koome over the withdrawal of Azimio leaders' security and the ban on demonstrations

MUHURI calls out IG Koome over the withdrawal of Azimio leaders’ security and the ban on demonstrations.

Muslims for Human Rights (Muhuri) has denounced Inspector General of Police Japheth Koome’s decision to ban opposition-led anti-government demonstrations, calling the action absurd and insulting to Kenyans and the Constitution.

The human rights organization claimed in a statement that the IG is not required under the constitution to forbid demonstrations that are permitted by the legislation under article 37.

“Every person has the right, peaceably and unarmed, to assemble, to demonstrate, to picket, and to present petitions to public authorities. One then wonders, who gave Mr. Koome the right to usurp the rights of Kenyans as stated in the constitution and execute them as he wills, as he purports to? We live in a country governed by the rule of law and every Kenyan should follow the law to the letter,” a statement by Muhuri reads in part.

The statement by MUHURI comes after IG Koome on Sunday declared the weekly Azimio protests illegal saying the police will be on the lookout and take action against persons who seem to cause chaos.

He said the police will arrest anyone regardless of their social status and drive them off to the cells as they do normal criminals.

“Whoever you are, I will deal with you,” said the IG.

Muhuri says Koome’s reaction to the protests and the subsequent withdrawal of security officers attached to some Azimio leaders shows he has taken sides in a critical security matter.

“Mr. Koome should know that it is the right of every Kenyan to get security and protection from the police. It is not a favour but a right… Mr. Koome needs to know that the National Police Service is an independent constitutional body mandated by the people of Kenya through the constitution to protect and provide security and serve all Kenyans equally,” the NGO adds.

The organization further took issue with Mr. Koome’s remarks about a female officer who was last week accused of being behind the death of a third-year Maseno University student who was shot during the protests in Kisumu.

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“Last week on Monday, the police killed a young university student in Maseno. On Sunday, Koome, instead of condemning the act, defended the police officer who allegedly committed the murder. We won’t sit down and watch his behavior go unchecked. We will sue Mr. Koome for gross abuse of the Constitution and for overseeing the murder of innocent Kenyans. The law will catch up with you, and you will be held accountable,” said Muhuri.

The organization in totality dismissed the IG’s Sunday remarks as hot air terming them a red flag in his character as the Inspector General of Police and called on the Independent Policing and Oversight Authority (IPOA) to probe them.

“We request all Kenyans to maintain peace and if they demonstrate, let them be peaceful,” the statement said.

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