July 3, 2024

Raila officially files a complaint against two police on an attempt on his life

3 min read
Raila officially files a complaint against two police on an attempt on his life

Raila officially files a complaint against two police officers who shot at his car during the Azimio demonstrations

Raila officially files a complaint against two police officers who shot at his car during the Azimio demonstrations.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has filed a complaint at Kware Police Station in Embakasi following the alleged attempt on his life during the anti-government protests on Thursday last week.

Mr. Odinga filed the complaint under section 50(1) of the Police Act, alleging police brutality during a peaceful demonstration.

In a letter written by his lawyers to the Internal Affairs Unit of the National Police Service and the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA), Odinga claims that he and other demonstrators were met with teargas canisters, live ammunition, and pink-dyed water as they made their way through the Embakasi South Constituency on 29 March 2023.

Raila Odinga’s lawyer Jackson Awele notes that on the day of the incident, the Azimio frontman was leading his supporters in peaceful protests along the Pipeline area of Embakasi South Constituency when his procession came across a squad of armed police officers at Outer Ring road, the direction the entourage was heading towards.

According to Awele, instead of allowing the procession to make its way onto Outer Ring Road, the officers indiscriminately fired teargas, shot live ammunition, and sprayed pink-colored water at Odinga’s convoy, prompting an angry reaction from the protesters.

In the letter, Raila alleges his vehicle was also targeted with approximately ten rounds of live ammunition, which his lawyers believe was a deliberate attempt on his life. The officers named in the complaint have yet to respond to the allegations.

“This reckless and violent use of force is well documented and within the knowledge of the police and the public at large…the National Police Service attempted to commit a felony, to wit; to cause the death of our client,” read the complaint filed in part.

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The complaint adds that the actions by the ‘rogue’ police officers warrant investigations by the police service’s Internal Affairs Unit, the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA), the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP). 

Awele added that with the help of the public, Odinga’s team has since been able to identify two police officers who allegedly fired live ammunition at the former premiere’s vehicle, namely Corporal Silas Kemboi and Police Constable Isaac Ndirangu.

“Please enter this complaint in your occurrence book and issue us with the entry number for our client’s records. We look forward to the conduct of speedy and thorough investigations into the complaint,” said Awele.

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