July 3, 2024

Raila taken around the multi-million home and other projects undertaken by pastor Ezekiel

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Raila taken around the multi-million home and other projects undertaken by pastor Ezekiel

Raila visited Pastor Ezekiel at his mansion two days after release where he was taken around the home projects

Raila visited Pastor Ezekiel at his mansion two days after release where he was taken around the home projects.

Two days after Pastor Ezekiel Odero’s release from prison, former prime minister Raila Odinga paid a visit to his Mavueni residence in Kilifi County on Saturday, May 6.

The ODM leader arrived at the multi-million home minutes after 4 pm in the company of the area governor Gideon Mungaro and other Azimio politicians.

Also present during the visit was the pastor’s lawyer Cliff Ombeta.

Upon arrival, Raila was received by pastor Ezekiel alongside his aides.

The Azimio leader was then taken around the multi-million home and other projects being undertaken by the pastor. 

Some of the projects he visited were the mall and the international school within the facility.

Raila spent nearly an hour at the facility and left minutes after 5 pm. 

Raila’s visit came amid Pastor Ezekiel being investigated over links to the Shakahola massacre.

He was charged with terrorism, radicalization, fraud and money laundering, and indoctrination of the faithful.

The televangelist was released on Thursday, May 4, on a Ksh1.5 million bail and ordered to present himself to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations once a week. 

He was also barred from commenting on ongoing investigations. His case will be mentioned on Monday, May 8, at the Shanzu Law Courts. 

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The pastor was arrested after a number of deaths were reported at his New Life Prayer Centre and Church.

His apprehension followed investigations into the Shakahola Forest, where 100 bodies were discovered, linked to an alleged cult by controversial pastor Paul Mackenzie.

Prior to the visit, the ODM boss attended a funeral in the county where he called out President William Ruto over his plans to tame rogue pastors.

In particular, he questioned Ruto’s move to appoint a Commission of Inquiry into the Shakahola massacre, yet several government officials and police officers were implicated in the matter.

Also read,

Kilifi Governor publicly defends Pastor Ezekiel ‘he is a clean man who is being targeted unfairly’

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