July 3, 2024

Wajackoyah reveals his vast empire including US media house and growing weed in Jamaican home

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Wajackoyah reveals his vast empire including US media house and growing weed in Jamaican home

Wajackoyah discloses his vast overseas business empire including US media house and growing weed in Jamaican home

Wajackoyah discloses his vast overseas business empire including US media house and growing weed in Jamaican home.

On May 23, Roots party leader George Wajackoyah revealed that his large fortune included an opulent mansion in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

While appearing alongside Jamaican sensation Richell Bonner better known as Richie Spice at Citizen TV, Wajackoyah noted that the Jamaican-based home is used to grow weed.

While acknowledging his own clout within the reggae world since running for the presidency on a promise to legalise marijuana, the lawyer-turned-politician also pointed out Richie Spice’s influence during the August 2022 presidential campaign.

“I have a home in Montego Bay in Jamaica, where I grow weed. I’m a household name in the reggae world because I am the first person to form a political party based on weed culture.

“During the last elections, it is his music that inspired the youth so if you saw millions carrying his hands up, it was because of him,” he indicated.

While referencing the media, Wajackoya affirmed that he advocated for better pay to align with international standards noting that since he owned a media house in New York, USA, he understood journalists’ frustrations due to poor pay.

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“(To journalists) You guys are being paid peanuts so I’m fighting so that you can be paid well. Don’t ever discriminate against me… I own a media house in New York and so I know,” he pointed out.

Wajackoyah bragged that he achieved history in the 2022 General Election by founding the first political party with Jamaican roots while remembering his influence on the reggae scene. 

He also went into great detail on his relationship with Jamaica and how that country’s history and culture impacted his career in politics.

“My connection with Jamaica started as a solicitor in London. I’ve worked with British Jamaicans who educated me in immigration practice.”

From time to time, the former presidential candidate offers a glimpse into his luxurious lifestyle through social media. 

These include a mansion located in Phoenix, Arizona as well as state-of-the-art cars which are captured in his driveway.

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