July 3, 2024

Ruto has no control of his team in the bipartisan talks, Azimio

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Ruto has no control of his team in the bipartisan talks, Azimio

Azimio coalition claims William Ruto has lost control of his Kenya Kwanza team in the bipartisan talks as they're pulling in different direction

Azimio coalition claims William Ruto has lost control of his Kenya Kwanza team in the bipartisan talks as they’re pulling in different direction.

Azimio la Umoja on Wednesday, May 24, claimed that President William Ruto is powerless to control Kenya Kwanza’s side of the bipartisan talks.

Raila claimed at a press conference held at the SMK Centre in Nairobi that someone with ulterior motives was trying to thwart the negotiations and make sure Azimio went back to the streets.

The coalition noticed that the bipartisan Kenya Kwanza team was receiving orders from a number of sources, which prevented them from having meaningful discussions.

“The Kenya Kwanza side is essentially several teams in one; the members are answering to different bosses and are not moving in the same direction.

“They are getting different instructions and areas clearly pulling in different directions. Secondly, Kenya Kwanza has no clear direction on whether the talks should proceed or not,” Raila stated.

Azimio explained that Kenya Kwanza was intentionally behaving like confused negotiators in order to pass time and avoid a logical conclusion to the matters at hand.

“Deliberately, they have no clear direction from Mr. William Ruto on how to proceed. Kenya Kwanza sees the talks as a process of managing the political situation, calming down the political temperatures and continuing with business as usual.

“The destabilization of the Jubilee Party is a do-or-die agenda, sponsored by the highest level of Kenya Kwanza leadership whose aim is to ensure Kenya Kwanza obtains a super majority in parliament and amend the constitution, remove presidential term limits, abolish devolution and remove the independence of constitutional commissions and place them as part of the Presidency,” read part of the statement by Raila Odinga.

However, Raila warned the Kenya Kwanza side that they knew so well the game that was being played by the government’s side of negotiators, as such, they will soon announce new resolutions.

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The coalition noted that the Kenya Kwanza bipartisan team objected to every proposal that was tabled by the Azimio la Umoja.

“Unfortunately, our team met resistance, hostility and outright rejection on all the desired preliminary actions. Kenya Kwanza could not commit to stop the invasion of Jubilee, preservation the servers, interim measures at reduction of cost of unga and suspension of the process of hiring new IEBC commissioners.

“In other words, Kenya Kwanza wants to continue with measures that make cost of living even more expensive, they want to interfere with the IEBC servers, proceed with the picking of new IEBC commissioners and continue invading Azimio parties while we sit in board rooms talking about the same issues,” the statement read in parts.

As a result of the stalemate, Azimio delegations came to the decision that if the interim measures could not be guaranteed, there would be no need to move into substantive issues.

Raila explained that the framework agreement that set up the talks provides for a seven-day suspension of talks in the event of stalemate and his delegation proceeded to invoke that very provision.

“If at the end of the seven days, we will not be able to resume, the talks will be considered to have collapsed,” Raila warned President William Ruto. 

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