July 3, 2024

Azimio now distance itself from statement calling for Ruto-Raila talks

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Azimio now distance itself from statement calling for Ruto-Raila talks

Azimio distance itself from Ruto-Raila talks over claims their issues were not captured in the statement

Azimio distance itself from Ruto-Raila talks over claims their issues were not captured in the statement.

On July 29, the Azimio la Umoja Coalition disassociated itself from a joint statement by Kenya Kwanza that called for negotiations to end the anti-government demonstrations.

In a statement, the coalition explained that the statement was first issued by majority leader Kimani Ichungw’ah, a member of the Kenya Kwanza regime.

“It should be noted that in our statement that was released before KK’s, Azimio is yet to table its substantive issues,” read part of the statement.

Azimio further emphasised that the main issues that prompted them to take to the streets have not featured anywhere in the Leader of Majority’s statement. 

The Azimio coalition reiterated that their four-point agenda was the cost of living, electoral audit reforms, noninterference in coalitions and their constituent parties, and accountability and probe into police brutality that has claimed dozens of innocent lives.

“We owe it to Kenyans to engage honestly, transparently, and guided by utmost good faith to find lasting solutions to the crisis in the country,” read part of the statement.

The coalition emphasised that it can not be involved in discussions that center on the establishment of positions not contemplated by the Constitution.

In the joint statement issued on Saturday, July 29, by Ichung’wah the issues up for discussion were the reconstruction of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), implementation of the 2/3 gender rule, entrenchment of Constituency Development Fund (CDF), establishment and the entrenchment of the Office of the Leader of Opposition and embedment of the office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary.

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However, the two sides agreed to form a 10-member committee to continue with the talks. It shall comprise of Four members from outside Parliament; two from each side, the Leaders of Majority and Minority from the National Assembly, and four additional Members of Parliament; two from each side.

In the statements, the two political alliances agreed to have former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo as the facilitator of the peace talks and the state of the nation.

Other members of Azimio poked holes at the key issues raised questioning why the cost of living was not at the top of the list in the fresh Ruto-Raila talks. 

Embakasi East MP Paul Ongili alias Babu Owino threatened to head back to the streets if the issue was not addressed.

“Where is the cost of living among the Terms of Reference? We better talk in the streets,” he stated.

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