July 3, 2024

Police respond to claims of Raila-IG Koome peace talks

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Police respond to claims of Raila-IG Koome peace talks

National Police Service denies reports IG Koome reached out to Azimio leader Raila Odinga for peace talks

National Police Service denies reports IG Koome reached out to Azimio leader Raila Odinga for peace talks.

On Tuesday, August 15, the National Police Service (NPS) refuted emerging reports of truce negotiations between Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

NPS called the reports “false and misleading” and urged the public to ignore the pieces that had been written by a particular segment of the media. 

The police stated that their verified communication channels, including their social media pages, will be used to officially announce such occurrences. 

Reports of Koome – Raila talks emerged days after the duo differed publicly over statements made by the former, alleging that the opposition hired bodies to garner sympathy during protests. 

Notably, prominent figures from Azimio, including Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi, were among the leaders who claimed that plans for the talks between the police and the opposition were underway.

Osotsi alleged that Koome wanted Azimio to make a U-turn on its plans to report him to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

“Koome has approached some Azimio lawmakers, asking them to plead with Baba not to implicate him at the ICC,” Osostsi claimed during a funeral in Luanda on August 12.

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Azimio intends to file a lawsuit against the police chief for allegedly using excessive force on protesters during last month’s anti-government demonstrations, particularly those from the lake region. 

The majority of the 70 fatalities, according to the opposition, were caused by gunshot wounds and tear gas inhalation. 

To exert pressure on the police, Azimio held a memorial service for the deceased on Friday, August 11, in Siaya and Vihiga counties and demanded the resignation or ouster of IG Koome. 

IG Koome stated that he would continue in his job despite the criticism and reiterated that the opposition had hired bodies from the morgue to generate sympathy. He did not, however, offer any proof to back up his assertions.

“It is so unfortunate that some senior members of the society go to the mortuary hiring dead bodies, calling the media and telling them that these people were killed by the police. How low can some of our leaders sink?” he wondered.

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