July 7, 2024

Joho breaks silence over his political future after meeting Raila

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Joho breaks silence over his political future after meeting Raila

I am still in ODM and ready to vie for the Presidency says Former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho after attending Raila birthday

I am still in ODM and ready to vie for the Presidency says Former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho after attending Raila birthday.

Following several months of quiet, Joho unexpectedly showed up at the Tropical Hotel, where ODM leader Raila Odinga was having a birthday celebration.

During a luncheon at his residence in Malindi, most people questioned Joho’s absence and doubted his allegiance to the ODM party.

However, Joho said he has been out of the country, the reason behind his absence from ODM activities.

“I am strongly in ODM and behind Baba. Let us not listen to people who want to create division in our party. ODM is still the strongest party in Africa,” said Joho.

The ODM deputy party leader said he is ready to face anyone in the presidential elections.

Joho was responding to other leaders who asked Raila to go for the presidency in 2027.

“I am very ready at any time to vie for the presidency should you feel that you need someone to vie,” he said.

In addition, Joho said he would lead a membership recruitment drive to strengthen the party.

Kilifi South Member of Parliament Ken Chonga urged Raila to make sure he is on the ballot in 2027.

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Meanwhile, MP Ken Chonga said Raila is still strong to vie.

“Baba you are too young to ditch politics. We want you in the ballot box in 2027 and I am confident you will win this seat,” said Chonga.

Jubilee Vice Chairman David Murathe who also attended the party said Raila is still the candidate for the Azimio La Umoja coalition.

Murathe said age comes with wisdom.

“In Malaysia, they elected Mahathir Mohamad as Prime minister at the age of 93 and he steered the country to greater heights. He was older than Raila,” he said.

Other leaders who graced the event are Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir, Kilifi deputy governor Flora Chibule, Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo, MPs Ken Chonga (Kilifi South), Amina Mnyazi (Malindi), Harry Kombe (Magarini) Mishi Mboko (Likoni), Rashid Bedzimba (Kisauni) among other leaders.

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