July 7, 2024

Why Raila might not get AU Commission Chairperson position; Lawyer Omari

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Why Raila might not get AU Commission Chairperson position; Lawyer Omari

Lawyer Danstan Omari says conflict of interests might hamper Raila Odinga from securing the AU Commission Chairperson job

Lawyer Danstan Omari says conflict of interests might hamper Raila Odinga from securing the AU Commission Chairperson job.

Constitutional lawyer Danstan Omari shared his thoughts on why he believes Raila Odinga, the leader of the opposition, may not be able to become the chairperson of the African Union Commission.

In an interview on Monday, Omari said that Raila will only aspire to secure the seat but he will not succeed.

The lawyer gave his justification, stating that the African Union had taken a step that would presumably make it more difficult for Raila to be elected.

“It is unfortunate for Kenyans that Raila Odinga will not get the AU seat. If the AU wanted Raila to get that seat, they could not have appointed President William Ruto to be the person to preside over the elections of the AU Commission,” Omari said on K24 TV.

The lawyer claimed that by Ruto playing the role of ‘ Chebukati’ in the AU elections, he will be having a conflict of interest from the perspective of other African countries.

His statements come despite government support for the position after Raila announced his bid for the position of African Union Commission Chairperson.

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The government on Sunday said it fully backs opposition leader Raila Odinga’s bid for the top African Union (AU) Commission job.

The Kenya Kwanza government urged leaders to put aside their political differences and rally behind opposition leader Raila’s candidacy for the position of African Union Commission chairperson.

Speaking to the media on Sunday, Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura affirmed that President William Ruto’s administration was fully behind Raila’s bid for the top AU job.

“If he gets an opportunity to serve us at the AU as the chair, we as Kenyans forget all our differences and rally behind a fellow Kenya. If Raila has expressed interest, we would rather have him there because when he is there the interests of Kenya are taken care of. We as a government fully support his candidature,” he said.

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