July 3, 2024

Anglican Church Bishop declines government job offer

3 min read
Anglican Church Bishop declines government job offer

Bishop Charles Muturi of the Anglican Church of Kenya declines a government job offer by Governor Kimani Wamatangi

Bishop Charles Muturi of the Anglican Church of Kenya declines a government job offer by Governor Kimani Wamatangi.

Citing a conflict of interest, Bishop Charles Muturi of the Anglican Church of Kenya has declined the nomination by Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi to sit at the Kabete Municipal Board.

The bishop in a letter to the Kiambu County Government noted that he was unable to accept the offer due to priestly rules that prohibit a sitting bishop from holding public office.

Bishop Muturi praised the governor for the recognition and expressed his delight for the opportunity.

“That pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Constitution of the Anglican Church of Kenya; the Resolutions of the Anglican Church of Kenya Provincial Synods and after consultation with the Diocesan Chancellor; a sitting Bishop cannot (by ecclesiastical rules) hold a public office,” the statement read in part.

“That due to the aforementioned rationale under Number 2 above, the Bishop politely declines the offer to submit his documents or appeal before the Sectoral Committee of Planning and Urbanization for the hearing (vetting) process which is due on April 9, 2024, at 9:00 am at the County Assembly Buildings.”

Last month, Governor Wamatangi nominated 74 individuals for approval by the county assembly slated to occur on April 9, 2024.

Following Bishop’s announcement, Kiambu Senator Karungo Thang’wa commended Muturi for his decision to decline the nomination.

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He claimed that the appointment by Governor Wamatangi was an attempt to deflect the attention away from the challenges facing the county leadership.

“…it is evident that the appointment was an attempt by the governor to drag the men of cloth into his leadership, or lack thereof, as an attempt to deflect attention from Kiambu’s governance challenges, particularly concerning the untimely establishment of municipal boards across Kiambu, which has placed the county at risk of losing substantial funding from the World Bank,” Thang’wa stated.

He appealed to the governor to select a suitable candidate from the wide pool of talented youth from the county who possessed the requisite skills but lacked the opportunity.

“Once again, I extend my gratitude to Bishop Muturi and the church for their principled stance in declining the Governor’s appointment, averting what could have been an attempt to undermine the integrity of the church and its leadership.”

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