July 2, 2024

President Ruto appointed incompetent individuals to hold office; Kenya Kwanza MP

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President Ruto appointed incompetent individuals to hold office; Kenya Kwanza MP

Kenya Kwanza MP, David Ochieng criticizes President Ruto appointments into the office terming those appointed as very incompetent

Kenya Kwanza MP, David Ochieng criticizes President Ruto appointments into the office terming those appointed as very incompetent.

Speaking on Friday, June 14, Ochieng criticised the current government for selecting what he described as the most incompetent individuals to hold office.

According to Ochieng, a coalition partner in Kenya Kwanza, the current appointees are either underqualified or chosen based on tribal affiliations.

He further lamented that many of these appointees exacerbate the situation by appointing their clansmen and people from their own tribes.

The lawmaker warned that the country was at risk of missing out on its development agenda should the trend continue.

“We choose the most unschooled, the most uneducated, and the most tribal people to run the government. We cannot grow that way. If we do not put the best to run government then we shall never grow.

“When someone gets a job they give the employment opportunities to their tribesmen and plan. The country cannot be run like that. We have to get the best,” he stated.

Further, he explained why he had decided to speak out against the government which he helped from after the 2022 polls.

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According to Ochieng, he could no longer keep quiet when things were going in the wrong direction given that the citizens were the most affected by poor service delivery.

Notably, the Kenya Kwanza administration has been ranking poorly in recent surveys with most appointees including cabinet secretaries scoring Ds in performance rank.

For instance, in the Infotrak polls that were released this month, poor governance was highlighted among the top three reasons for the country heading in the wrong direction.

“A majority of the respondents (63 percent) noted that the country is headed in the wrong direction, with only 19 percent agreeing that it is headed in the right direction.

“Over the past year, Kenyans have consistently expressed growing dissatisfaction with the country’s trajectory. In our previous polls, conducted in February 2023 and 2023, the percentage of respondents who believed the country was heading in the wrong direction stood at 62 percent and 53 percent respectively,” read the report in part.

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