July 3, 2024

Nigerian Prophet who prophesied Ruto’s win warns him of one-term presidency

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Nigerian Prophet who prophesied Ruto's win warns him of one-term presidency

Nigerian Prophet Elijah Ayodele warns Ruto of one-term presidency over Finance Bill protests

Nigerian Prophet Elijah Ayodele warns Ruto of one-term presidency over Finance Bill protests.

President William Ruto has received a warning from Nigerian prophet Primate Elijah Ayodele on his chances of leading Kenya for another five years.

Ayodele who in 2022 predicted Ruto’s win has asked Ruto to retrace his steps to secure a second term in office. This is after the nationwide demonstrations opposing the Finance Bill 2024.

“President Ruto if you are not careful this protest will cost you your second term and it will be a blunder for you. It’s better you re-adjust and do the needful so you won’t face what you don’t expect. By then, you will call God but he won’t answer you.” he stated on Saturday.

The prophet emphasised that he had received a warning from God and urged Ruto to adhere. He added that the President still had time to reverse the current situation but if he only listened to the warning.

According to the prophet, President Ruto’s regime will face more demonstrations from Kenyans opposing his leadership and policies.

He emphasised that no one would be sponsoring the protests adding that Kenyans were tired of the hardship and economic troubles.

Ayodele further revealed that these demonstrations would ruin Rutos’ legacy and all he has done while in power.

Additionally, Ruto’s failure to listen to the people would result in the opposition easily winning against him in the future.

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“You will spoil your good works if you are not careful, don’t allow your government to become unpopular with your policies. You may lose your second term bid cheaply to opposition if you are not careful,” he added.

Adoyele is among the leaders who have advised President Ruto to intervene and ensure the bill is amended to avoid making life harder for Kenyans.

Ruto has been advised by other members of the clergy to amend the bill and remove all the punitive taxes set to be increased or introduced in the coming financial year.

The President is yet to respond to the concerns but is said to have held several meetings with his MPs to draft a way forward.

In the coming week, Kenyans are expected to continue with the demonstrations to push the MPs to reject the bill. The demonstrations have been organised for the next seven days beginning Friday, June 21.

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