July 7, 2024

Azimio maintains Raila will not attend the presidential debate, scheduled for a Meru rally

2 min read

Azimio maintains Raila will not attend the presidential debate, scheduled to storm Meru County for a series of rallies.

ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna has maintained that Raila Odingawill not attend the presidential debate scheduled today on 26, July 2022.

Speaking in an interview on Citizen Tv this morning, 26, July, Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga, and his running mate Martha Karua are scheduled to attend a series of political rallies in Meru County.

“As I sit here, I know that Raila Odinga is going to Meru to have an engagement with the people there and in the evening we expect him back here for a town hall session in Jericho,” said Sifuna.

Playing down any possibility of Raila Odinga joining UDA candidate William Ruto in scheduled presidential debates tonight Sifuna said from analysis there will be little value extracted from the debate.

“We have made a critical analysis of the debates this season and made the decision that there is going to be little value extracted from that particular debate,” he added.

Raila Odinga officially withdrew from the 2022 Presidential Debate on Sonday, 24, July. 

In a press statement released by Raila Odinga’s Campaign Spokesperson, Prof Makau Mutua, Azimio explained that the demand by UDA candidate William Ruto to have certain issues left out deviated from the purpose of the national debate.

“That is why he has demanded that the debate not focus on corruption, ethics, and governance. These are issues at the core of the Azimio campaign; any debate devoid of these questions will be an insult to the intelligence of Kenyans,” he stated.

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