July 8, 2024

Night of chaos at Bomas as the verification of presidential results (VIDEO)

2 min read

Verification of presidential results is still ongoing at Bomas of Kenya with only two days for the IEBC to call the election results.

However, with the increasing pressure on the IEBC to speed up its seeming slow verification process, chaos erupted at the Bomas of Kenya on the night of Saturday, August 13.

Agents allied to the Azimio coalition were alleging irregularities in the verification of the presidential results exercise.

A section of them alleged that some IEBC officials were colluding with their opponents to alter results and sneak in Forms 34 A.

Videos broadcast live from the National Tallying Centre showed an IEBC official being roughed up in the auditorium.

In the incident aired live on major TV stations, the IEBC official was roughed up from his seat.

A commotion ensued as the official was seen holding a gadget in an apparent attempt to block another man from seizing it.

The gadget was the genesis of the chaos in the auditorium and Nairobi Women Rep Esther Passaris was seen dragging an individual amidst the drama.

A man who was in of the lawmaker is seen forcefully taking the alleged foreign gadget from the IEBC official before handing it over to another lady who quickly left the auditorium.

Anti-riot police quickly swung into action eventually leading the man outside the auditorium. 

Azimio’s chief agent expressed extreme disapproval of what had happened inside the auditorium and questioned the validity of the counting procedure up to that point in a statement to the media.

Saitabao Ole Kanchory, the chief agent for Raila Odinga, had a confrontation with police after they refused to let him inside the tallying area.

“I want to tell the country that Bomas is a scene of a crime,” Saitabao stated before being he was escorted out of the podium by an unidentified person.

In a separate incident outside, party agents accosted an individual they claimed was an IEBC official allegedly engaged in electoral malpractice.

The woman was saved by police officers as party agents demanded she hands over what they claimed to be electoral material that she planned to sneak into the auditorium.

Video courtesy of NTV Kenya

Also read,

IEBC verification official bumped altering results from his laptop

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