July 2, 2024

Aden Duale opens up on his last meeting with Uhuru before being kicked out, “decide between me and the DP”

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Aden Duale opens up on his last meeting with President Uhuru Kenyatta before being kicked out as a Majority leader in the parliament.

Garissa Township MP Aden Duale has opened up his meeting with President Uhuru Kenyatta after the fallout with Deputy President William Ruto.

Duale was kicked out as majority leader in June 2020, in a de-whipping exercise that saw the president axe all politicians allied to DP William Ruto. 

During the meeting, Duale was put to the task to choose between the president and the deputy president.

Speaking to NTV on Saturday, June 25, the former majority leader in the National Assembly revealed that he was friends with both the president and his deputy.

Duale remarked that Uhuru had initially guaranteed him of his support for the DP’s Presidency.

“I was in a state of denial because more than 40 times I asked the President, ‘are you reneging on your relationship with the DP on supporting him for the next general election.’ The President Used to tell me ‘no no no, I didn’t tell anybody William Ruto is still my favourite.’

“I focused primarily on the function of the leader of the majority. Before that PG started, I had a 45-minute man-to-man candid discussion with the President, Of the many things he discussed about his deputy, I just asked him ‘get to the point, what do you want me to do. We have a PG waiting,” Duale stated.

In his reply, Uhuru was honest about Duale’s work ethic and challenged him to declare his preference between the Jubillee and the UDA, led by Ruto.

He added that at about the same time, some people close to the Head of State were urging him to be removed from the influential position of House leadership.

“For the first time, the President said, ‘You know Hon Duale you are my best friend, You have delivered on your mandate. You are one of the top leaders I respect in the country.’ But the people around me are saying that you have a split loyalty. He went further and said, ‘You know people in my inner circle are saying even if you remove all these chairs (in Parliament), you have not cleared William Ruto, the big snake is still in the house and that is Duale.’ That was the time I opposed BBI.

“The President said, ‘You have a split loyalty. today you have to decide between me and the DP. I had only two words. I said I am a Muslim and I became the leader of the Majority courtesy of URP as a founder member. Two, all of Ruto’s political life, has done good deeds for me and my family. I said as a Muslim, I cannot be part and parcel of a group that coalesces around you that wants to humiliate the office of the DP,” he explained his departure.

Soon after, he offered to relinquish his seat and was succeeded by Amos Kimunya.

“I told him ‘Mr President, you are my best friend, let me go. I am ready to relinquish myself as the leader of the majority. Look for somebody else,” he explained.

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