July 5, 2024

Azimio calls for a crisis meeting after Gachagua expose on Raila demands

3 min read
Azimio calls for a crisis meeting after Gachagua expose on Raila demands

Disquiet in Azimio after DP Gachagua exposes Raila demands during a secret meeting with President William Ruto

Disquiet in Azimio after DP Gachagua exposes Raila demands during a secret meeting with President William Ruto.

Azimio leaders will meet to discuss Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s comments about a purported agreement between Raila Odinga and President William Ruto.

Gachagua’s comments alarmed Kitui Central Member of Parliament Makali Mulu, who warned that such an agreement would be counterproductive to the opposition’s strategy for holding the administration accountable. 

The MP said they would try to determine whether the intelligence reports backed up Gachagua’s claims or if they were just political bluster.

However, should there be a deal between Raila and Ruto, Kalonzo’s allies from the lower eastern region would oppose the agreement and advocate for their own set of demands. 

“The presidency has the benefit of getting intelligence from all the arms of government. He may be saying this from an informed position. If that is the position, then we do not have any business to be involved in those talks,” he stated while appearing on Citizen TV

Mulu also criticized the DP’s approach to winning over the area, even accusing him of breaking a deal reached by the bipartisan team chosen to represent Raila and Ruto by disclosing specifics of their discussions. 

The MP said they will also demand Gachagua apologize for criticizing the Kamba community for backing Azimio.

“We did not take it kindly, and you could see even the reaction of the people. He should have mourned with our colleague and then maybe pleaded to have us move to their side,” Mulu condemned the DP. 

“We pay taxes to this government, and we will be demanding to get a fair share of these taxes,” the lawmaker added. 

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This comes after Gachagua, on Tuesday, claimed that Raila wanted half of the government and three ambassadorial positions. 

Gachagua claimed that the demands were made in a private meeting with President Ruto and Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga in Mombasa.

He said the ongoing bipartisan negotiations between Kenya Kwanza and Azimio is a waste of time and will produce no results as  Raila Odinga already made it plain what he wanted. 

“Nothing will come out of those talks. It is a waste of time. I’m telling you as deputy president of the Republic of Kenya. So nyinyi wakamba mngojee mazungumzo mtakuja kututafuta sisi because there will be nothing,” said the DP. 

“Raila hakuna kitu anatafuta, alitaka tumpatie serikali nusu mkate tukasema hakuna. Alitaka ati handshake tukamwambia hakuna. Akasema ambassador tatu tukamwambia hakuna. Tukasema ukitaka pesa kidogo ya kukula we can discuss, ukienda nyumbani. Aende akiendanga,” Gachagua stated. 

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