June 26, 2024

Babu Owino arrested ahead of Azimio protests

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Babu Owino arrested ahead of Azimio protests

Babu Owino and ghetto President, Calvin Gaucho arrested by the police ahead of the Azimio protests

Babu Owino and ghetto President, Calvin Gaucho arrested by the police ahead of the Azimio protests.

Just hours before the start of the three-day protests, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) arrested two Azimio La Umoja Nairobi lawmakers who were thought to be important city mobilizers. 

Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino was reportedly arrested by DCI agents stationed at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport when he returned from Mombasa.

According to Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party Director of Communications Philip Etale, who confirmed the incident, Babu was arrested by the police but the reason for his detention has not been disclosed.

“Babu was arrested when he was in the company of other Nairobi Members of Parliament with whom he was attending a meeting organised by Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA),” Etale stated.

According to Etale, Babu’s arrest was most likely related to the ongoing protests in which the Azimio la Umoja Coalition is demanding the reduction of the cost of living among other issues previously raised.

Babu, who is a close ally of ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga, was expected to lead his supporters in Embakasi East to protest starting Wednesday, July 19 all through to Friday, July 21.

His arrest comes after on Sunday, July 16, visited a group of young men who were arrested for participating in an unlawful protest and promised to ensure that they were released.

“I was in solidarity with 16 of my constituents at Ruai Police Station. They were unlawfully arrested yesterday at Jacaranda Grounds. They’ll be taken to court tomorrow and I will pay their cash bail,” Babu stated.

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The Embakasi East MP has been a key figure in the ongoing protests which were called by his party leader Raila Odinga, who called on his supporters to turn up in large numbers and resist President William Ruto’s government.

The police also arrested self-styled ghetto President, Calvin Gaucho. 

On Tuesday, July 18, Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina claimed that a contingent of police officers had raided his Nairobi home in an attempt to arrest him, but he was not in the city at the time.

In a show of defiance, Ole Kina provided his GPS coordinates in order to help the police to find him easily. The Narok Senator stated that he had nothing to fear, and that he would not turn himself into a fugitive of the Law.

“While you are busy chasing us, and trying to arrest us, looting the public coffers continues. Here is my location. Please come and have a beer with me,” Ole Kina. 

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