July 4, 2024

Bipartisan team fails to agree on key issues as talks resume

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Bipartisan team fails to agree on key issues as talks resume

Bipartisan team fails to agree on key issues as talks resumed on Wednesday after Raila's threat of demonstrations

Bipartisan team fails to agree on key issues as talks resumed on Wednesday after Raila’s threat of demonstrations.

On Wednesday, May 10, after a week of disagreement over the framework of negotiations, the bipartisan Kenya Kwanza and Azimio la Umoja committees began their discussions.

The 14-member committee got together to work out the kinks and prepare for crucial discussions that will help the country on a variety of legal, economic, and political challenges. 

It became clear that the members of the Bipartisan Committee were unable to reach consensus on a critical basic issue, despite the fact that the two parties were committed to the negotiations and mediating a truce between President William Ruto and opposition leader Raila Odinga.

The committees are yet to agree on the timeframe within which the pressing issues should be addressed and resolution reached and forwarded to the Principals. 

“We are treating these issues with the utmost attention they deserve and we know that we’ll reach an agreement,” Bipartisan Committee Co-chairman, Murugara.

Azimio la Umoja had demanded that the talks should be concluded within thirty days failure to which they would consider returning to the streets. 

However, Kenya Kwanza wants more time in order to deliberate on the issues which they noted should be addressed with sobriety. 

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The Bipartisan Committee also seeks to iron out differences on whether they will go the Parliamentary or extra-Parliamentary route. 

Azimio la Umoja had insisted on an extra-Parliamentary route while Kenya Kwanza opted for a Legislative framework. 

The grandstanding by the two parties threatened to throw the talks into fresh headwinds just days after the two sides hammered out a deal on the membership of the team.

In a delicate balancing act, the Committee co-chaired by MPs George Murugara (Tharaka) and Otiende Amollo (Rarieda), noted that the team had agreed on joint Secretaries. 

As a result, Kenya Kwanza appointed Muthomi Thiangkolu while Azimio la Umoja appointed Raila Odinga’s long-term aide, Paul Mwangi. 

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