June 29, 2024

Boda Boda operator arrested for housing two missing high school girls

2 min read
Boda Boda operator arrested for housing two missing high school girls

A Boda Boda operator arrested after being found housing two high school girls who have been missing for a month in Kirinyaga

A Boda Boda operator arrested after being found housing two high school girls who have been missing for a month in Kirinyaga.

The sisters, one in Form Three and the other in Form Four, were reported missing by their father John  Munene Muriuki.

They have been missing for about over a month.

The suspect, currently being held at Kerugoya Police Station pending arraignment on Monday, was housing the sisters at a rented apartment in Kiatha village.

“I had reported the matter to the area assistant chief regarding my missing daughters, and I’m fortunate to have discovered who was sheltering them and providing them with money to stay in his rented house at Kiatha village,” the father said.

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“I was shocked to find some of my things in the man’s house. It appears that my girls took a few things from my house when they went missing. I want action to be taken against this man for misleading my daughters.”

The two school girls will undergo tests to ascertain whether they were subjected to sexual abuse by the suspect.

Kimandi location Chief Ruth Nduro has since warned men in the area against preying on school girls, underscoring that stern action will be taken against them.

”Be careful because you will be handed a lengthy sentence when the law catches up with you,” she warned.  

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