July 2, 2024

Brace for the return of weekly demonstrations, Raila

2 min read
Brace for the return of weekly demonstrations, Raila

Raila asks Kenyans to get ready for the return of weekly demonstrations after the collapse of bilateral talks with Kenya Kwanza

Raila asks Kenyans to get ready for the return of weekly demonstrations after the collapse of bilateral talks with Kenya Kwanza.

As a result of the Kenya Kwanza government’s inability to address their complaints and reduce the cost of living, Azimio leader Raila Odinga has warned Kenyans to prepare for the return of the weekly demonstrations.

According to Raila, President William Ruto’s administration has turned a blind eye to the concerns of millions of Kenyans and is instead adamant about increasing their taxes through the Finance Bill.

“Kenyans are hurting. They are suffering. They came to power through the backdoor when they were not ready to govern and now want to pour their inefficiency on poor Kenyans,” Raila said.

Raila was speaking at Chungwa House when he met members of the Gusii Community living in Nairobi.

The delegation was led by the Majority Whip in the County Assembly of Nairobi Moses Ogeto and Jackson Ontegi, the Community leader in Nairobi.

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The Azimio leader said together with fellow Azimio principals, he will on Thursday give the country the way forward regarding the controversial Finance Bill 2023.

The government is pushing for the enactment of the bill without amendments despite growing opposition from Kenyans, rights groups, and workers’ unions.

“They want to table the controversial Bill in Parliament tomorrow for the second reading and then have the Treasury CS present the budget statement on Thursday next week. They are determined to have it passed, but Kenyans will resist,” Raila said.

The former Prime Minister called on Kenyans from all walks of life to show up in their numbers when he announces the return of the weekly protests.

He said they should turn up for their rights.

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