July 2, 2024

Clinical officers volunteer to provide medical aid during anti-Finance Bill protests; Union announces

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Clinical officers volunteer to provide medical aid during anti-Finance Bill protests; Union announces

Clinical Officers have pledged to offer services to protesters who will get injured during the anti-Finance Bill demonstrations

Clinical Officers have pledged to offer services to protesters who will get injured during the anti-Finance Bill demonstrations.

Speaking in Nairobi on Sunday, the Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO) said they will send emergency teams to various parts of the country where protests will be taking place to offer any care to those in need of medical attention.

KUCO national chairperson Peterson Wachira said this will ensure the injured get help without causing more injury.

The union has condemned the shooting of Rex Masai during protests in Nairobi this week, noting that his life would have been saved if there had been competent medical teams on the ground.

They have further called on the relevant agencies to ensure the officer alleged to have been involved in the shooting is brought to book.

“From that, we have analysed the situation and we have realised that if we had competent medical staff on the ground, probably Rex would not have lost his life. And from that as a union we are going to coordinate and provide medical emergency teams,” Wachira said.

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Wachira said the union had already sent teams during previous protests but realised the numbers were low.

“We are going to enhance and ensure that in every town we are going to have these protests, we are going to have teams that will be responding in real time to ensure people can be taken to hospital in a manner that does not cause more injury to them to be able to preserve life,” he said.

This comes even as their strike which started on April 1 entered day 84 on Sunday.

KUCO SG George Gibore said only one out of the 10 issues they had raised have so far been addressed.

He reaffirmed that their strike is still on until all the remaining issues of concern are addressed.

“Now that we are not in those hospitals we will be outside here giving services. We will use our own resources to give services to those people who will be injured including police so that then we don’t lose life in line of them exercising their constitutional right,” Gibore said.

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