July 3, 2024

Court freezes Waititu’s unexplained wealth worthy Ksh2 Billion

3 min read
Court freezes Waititu's unexplained wealth worthy Ksh2 Billion

High court freezes Waititu's assets worth Ksh2 billion and bank accounts over corruption

High court freezes Waititu’s assets worth Ksh2 billion and bank accounts over corruption.

Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (EACC) has obtained a court order to freeze bank accounts and assets belonging to former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu and his family.

EACC disclosed on Saturday that Waititu and his wife Susan Wangari’s accounts had been frozen by the court over the allegations of corruption. 

This come after the court this week ruled that the former Kiambu County governor has a case to answer over the Ksh588 million tender scandal.

“In addition, EACC has since obtained orders from the High Court freezing the family’s unexplained wealth amounting to nearly Ksh2 billion pending the ongoing civil suit seeking orders for forfeiture of the said assets to the State,” EACC stated.

The High Court ruled that eight additional individuals who were charged with Waititu will also be put on trial at the same time. 

The eleven are accused of a number of offenses that happened in Kiambu County, when Waititu served as governor for about three years. 

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The suspects are facing charges of conflict of interest, unlawful acquisition of public property, and dealing with suspect property. 

Wititu and his wife are charged with leveraging their influence to give contracts to companies they were interested in, and then receiving kickbacks from those companies.  

They are also accused of laundering the proceeds of crime. 

“In the previous quarter, an additional file was forwarded to the DPP recommending prosecution of Ferdinand Waititu, his spouse and, their daughter for embezzlement of public funds in Kiambu County,” the EACC statement read in parts.

If convicted, Waititu and his wife could face many years of imprisonment. 

The trial is ongoing, and no verdict has yet been reached.

EACC also assured the suspects of a fair trial, noting that they are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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