July 3, 2024

CS Kuria goes bare knuckle on DP Gachagua live on TV “I don’t agree with him” 

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CS Kuria goes bare knuckle on DP Gachagua live on TV "I don’t agree with him" 

Public Service CS Moses Kuria has disclosed that he does not agree with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on some matters

Public Service CS Moses Kuria has disclosed that he does not agree with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on some matters. 

Speaking during an interview on Citizen TV on Thursday, May 16, Kuria said that he took issue with the DP inviting Narc-Kenya leader Martha Karua and Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni to his office if they had any problems.

DP Gachagua had allegedly invited Karua and Kioni to his Karen residence in Nairobi in a bid to address the plights of the two leaders.

However, the deputy president’s move did not augur well with CS Kuria who dismissed Gachagua’s call for a meeting with the two Azimio politicians.

“He (Gachagua) is my boss. I don’t agree with him because we were elected by the people to solve their issues. If Martha Karua calls me today to her house today I will go… or Jeremiah Kioni, with respect. You don’t have to come to me.

“Solutions in this country have got no forwarding address that if you find a problem you take to someone. This country has a lot of problems. We need all of us. You can’t tell me if you have a problem, come and see me. Who are you?” Kuria posed.

When questioned on why he changed his stance on attending the Limuru III meeting, the CS accused the Jubilee secretary general of watering down his efforts to attend the crucial meeting. 

“I had planned to give a talk only to wake up yesterday and Kioni is speaking all over, fighting me, saying the way I am not invited and I am inviting myself. I thought this was a community meeting,” CS Kuria stated.

“I was part of Limuru 1, I was part of the organizers for Limuru II and I don’t see anything wrong with Limuru III.”

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The CS, however, said that he believed in one-man-one-vote-one-shilling, an agenda the DP had revived and vowed to push for its adoption.

However, Kuria said that he believed that Mt. Kenya had the power to push for the agenda owing to the positions it holds in government and did not have to involve the people.  

“I believe in one man one shilling but I also believe in one more thing. People from the mountain we have the power now. What are you going to ask Wanjiku to do? We have the opportunity to solve those issues,” the CS stated.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua recently announced that he is a proponent of the one-man-one-shilling formula to ensure equity and fairness in the allocation of funds to the counties.  

“In matters of revenue sharing, I am a believer, a proponent of one-man-one-vote-one-shilling. Resources are about the people. The whole issue of resources is about the people. The more you are, the more taxes you pay. It goes without saying, the more taxes you pay, the more you should get,” Gcahagua stated. 

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