June 29, 2024

CS Kuria makes fresh claims over the brutal murder of blogger Sniper

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CS Kuria makes fresh claims over the brutal murder of blogger Sniper

Public Service CS associates the brutal murder of Meru-based blogger Daniel Muthiani alias Sniper to the stigmatization of the youth in the Mt Kenya region

Public Service CS Kuria associates the brutal murder of Meru-based blogger Daniel Muthiani alias Sniper to the stigmatization of the youth in the Mt Kenya region.

In a statement published on Friday, December 29, Kuria alleged that the murder of the blogger was connected to the stigmatization of the youth in the Mt Kenya region.

CS Kuria decried what he said was the labeling of youth from the region as members of gangs and even the outlawed Mungiki group.

Kuria blamed unnamed leaders from the region who he argued had assumed the roles of kingpins.

However, Kuria vowed to advocate for justice following the murder of the blogger.

“The disappearance of Meru-based human rights and political activist Snipper is not something to be taken for granted. Verily, verily I say unto the one responsible- You will not get away with this. I will pursue this matter to the bitter end,” he made it clear.

“The cold-blooded murder of Snipper is in line with the continued profiling and stigmatization of Mt Kenya youth, branding them as members of Mungiki and other outlawed gangs. When the threshold of what is legit Humanitarian standards falls this low, the outcome is what you see. Now tell your fake Kingpins to live with the ignominy of their short-termism. I will never do anything for the political expediency of the moment. Forgive me for the outburst. I am very upset.”

His sentiments come after the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) refuted claims that it failed to provide guidance on the case involving a suspect arrested in connection with the alleged abduction of Muthiani.

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ODPP in a statement said it had yet to receive the inquiry file into the offense of murder from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations.

“Following the recovery of the body of the abducted person, the ODPP directed the DCI to undertake investigations for the offence of murder and submit the resultant inquiry file for perusal and further directions,” said ODPP.

 A postmortem examination of the body revealed that he died after being strangled on the neck.

According to the pathologist, Sniper had marks on his neck and he exhibited signs of a person who had lacked oxygen.

Also, he had fractured ribs and showed injuries on his head which suggested that he was strangled before being thrown into a river.

The blogger disappeared on December 2, and his body was discovered on December 16, 2023.

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