July 3, 2024

CS Kuria ‘schools’ Gachagua face-to-face in front of President Ruto ‘We’re not ready to leave’

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CS Kuria 'schools' Gachagua face-to-face in front of President Ruto 'We're not ready to leave'

Public Service CS Kuria in an apparent attack on DP Gachagua says Mt Kenya region invested heavily in the Kenya Kwanza government

Public Service CS Kuria in an apparent attack on DP Gachagua says Mt Kenya region invested heavily in the Kenya Kwanza government.

Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has heavily criticized Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua over his ongoing push for Mt. Kenya unity.

Speaking during a church service in Nakuru on Sunday, CS Kuria openly slammed the deputy president, warning that ongoing debates could fuel tribalism in the country.

Kuria recalled how tribalism led to many deaths in the country, especially in Nakuru county, something he said should not be allowed to happen again.

“Those who do not know where we have come from might not know where we are going. The signature of our determination to end tribalism in Nakuru county. If there is one place where someone should not attempt to bring tribalism, in Nakuru county,” Kuria said.

Speaking in his local language, Kuria argued that it was ironic for leaders to start fighting the president, yet they helped form the Kenya Kwanza Alliance government.

He said that while the region remains committed to the coalition, individuals who wish to leave are free to do so.

Kuria said the Mt Kenya region remains steadfast in its support for  President William Ruto and the Kenya Kwanza government and is not prepared to back down.

Kuria said the Mt Kenya region is committed to supporting the government and asked those wishing to quit to do so.

“Our people fought hard for this government. As members of the UDA party, we formed the Kenya Kwanza government, and we would be foolish to let others come and take away what we have built together. Even women don’t walk away from their homes during harvest time,” said Kuria.

The Public Service CS warned Mt Kenya leaders against the fallout in government saying some leaders are eager to reap the rewards of the region’s investments without having contributed.

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“Let us be careful because if some of us decide to leave, there are people strategically waiting for that opportunity to benefit greatly from what we have worked hard for,” Kuria added.

The former Gatundu South MP’s remarks come at a time when DP Rigathi Gachagua is advocating for the Mt Kenya region unity and the one man one vote one shilling revenue sharing formula.

The DP’s stance has received criticism from key allies of President Ruto who accuse him of being a tribalist.

Gachagua on Sunday hit back at his critics saying unity is just like the bottom-up economic approach and standard down going up.

“The bottom-up economic transformation agenda starts from down coming up. It is the same with unity. It starts at the home between the husband and wife, then the village, location, sub-county, county, and the rest of Kenya,” said the DP.

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