July 3, 2024

Defence Cabinet Secretary scolds Uhuru for castigating police

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Defence Cabinet Secretary scolds Uhuru for castigating police

Defence Cabinet Secretary scolds former President Uhuru Kenyatta for castigating police at Jubilee headquarters

Defence Cabinet Secretary scolds former President Uhuru Kenyatta for castigating police at Jubilee headquarters.

On Wednesday, April 26, Defense CS Aden Duale criticized former president Uhuru Kenyatta for going to the headquarters of the Jubilee Party personally.

The CS said that the former president’s former boss’s attempt to dissuade the Jubilee Party from joining Kenya Kwanza was unbecoming of a person of his standing.

He added that Uhuru’s move rendered police officers unable to discharge their duty of dispersing boisterous people at the headquarters.

“It is bad to see a former President who, after having served two full terms, reduce his stature by fighting over a shell of a party that presided over misrule, wanton looting of public coffers, and extrajudicial killings during the infamous rogue handshake regime,” the CS noted.

Duale, therefore, advised Uhuru to take a back seat and let parliamentarians decide the future of the party.

“The once behemoth of the party with a near super-majority of 174 lawmakers is now having a paltry number who have since shifted their allegiance. 

“Uhuru should cease muddying his image by trying to resuscitate a dead party and leave the tussle to elected MPs,” he advised the President.

Furthermore, the CS regretted that the former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces was preventing police officers from carrying out their mandate.

“It is appalling the depths the former President has fallen to the extent he rudely castigates police officers on official duty protecting life and property.

“Uhuru is scoffing at police officers while pretending to be imploring them to keep the peace,” Duale remarked adding that Uhuru allegedly sponsored protests by the opposition.

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Uhuru, who is Jubilee’s party leader, visited the offices after a scuffle ensued between embattled Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni and East African Legislative Assembly MP Kanini Kega.

Calling for peace, he remarked that those who were not happy with Jubilee being in the opposition should leave.

“I was called by SG Kioni and he informed me of what’s happening. I said I have to come to stand in solidarity with him and party members to protect our party.

“Those who are not happy have the freedom to switch their political allegiance,” he addressed the rebels. 

Uhuru Kenyatta also told off police officers who had cordoned off the Jubilee Party Headquarters’ during the heated wrangles between two rival factions in the party.

“We are not leaving here until you leave,” Kenyatta told the police officers as the supporters who escorted him cheered on.

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