June 29, 2024

Details of a Profile Meeting Between Raila and Diplomats

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Details of a Profile Meeting Between Raila and Diplomats

Raila Odinga, the head of Azimio la Umoja, met with two diplomats from Europe on Thursday, April 25, at his home in Karen, Nairobi

Raila Odinga, the head of Azimio la Umoja, met with two diplomats from Europe on Thursday, April 25, at his home in Karen, Nairobi. 

According to a statement, Raila met separately with Australian High Commissioner to Kenya Jenny Da Rin and Norwegian Ambassador to Kenya Gunnar Andreas Holm to discuss bilateral, regional, and international matters. 

“The former Prime Minister and the diplomats reaffirmed commitment to the historic ties and shared values that link their nations. They further discussed ways to further deepen bilateral and continental cooperation on local and global issues of mutual interest,” read the statement in part.

Raila and the two diplomats discussed the state of political, security, economic, and humanitarian aid that is now provided to Kenya and other African nations, as well as the demands for long-term peace in the region and the circumstances in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

Raila conveyed his idea of greater collaboration on other foreign policy objectives, such as a free trade agreement encompassing the entire continent. 

During the meetings, the opposition leader briefed the diplomats about his candidacy for the role of chairman of the African Union Commission and his plans for the continent in the event that he was elected.

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The diplomats wished the ODM leader well on his journey and said they hoped he would be able to concentrate the continent on the major problems that were impeding development.

“Both parties agreed on the need for a strong AU to drive potential game changer issues like continental free trade, infrastructure development, open skies, and investment in energy and internet connectivity,” the former Premier stated.

Raila lamented the fact that, even after 60 years of independence, Africans still need to go to Europe in order to reach some regions of the continent, and that they require various passports and currencies in order to enter other African nations.

As AUC chair, he highlighted the free movement of people and commodities, worldwide collaboration, the elimination of non-trade barriers, continental integration, and stability as his top priorities.

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