July 3, 2024

Details of Raila meeting with President Paul Kagame

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Details of Raila meeting with President Paul Kagame

President Paul Kagame promises to back Raila Odinga for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairperson bid

President Paul Kagame promises to back Raila Odinga for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairperson bid.

According to revealation by Azimio allies, including Pauline Njoroge, Deputy Organising Secretary of the Jubilee Party, Kagame assured backing Raila in the upcoming AUC elections scheduled for next year.

It was noted that the President of Rwanda expressed his faith in the leadership of the ODM boss given that he had also previously served in the post.

“President Kagame promised support for Raila’s bid, saying that the former Prime Minister has so much to offer to the African continent due to his impeccable leadership skills, deep understanding of the continent and vast experience in AU as former High Representative on Infrastructure Development.

“The Rwandan President affirmed his confidence in Raila’s capabilities, given his status in the region and internationally as well as his transformative leadership,” Pauline Njoroge posted on her X account after the meeting.

Without delving much into the details of their meeting, Raila on his part suggested the meeting was about discussion on issues pertinent to the East African Community and the larger African continent.

“Had an insightful conversation with President Paul Kagame in Kigali, diving into regional and Pan-African ideals. We are committed to African unity and solidarity for shared prosperity and progress,” said Raila.

The former Kenyan premier is lobbying for his bid at the African Union secretariat.

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He wants to be the next chairman of the AU Commission.

A few weeks back, Raila revealed he would meet with Kagame to court his support in the AUC bid.

This was after six African presidents pledged their support to him.

“I am going to meet with Kagame; I want him to support my bid,” Raila stated. 

The Kenyan opposition chief who wants to succeed Moussa Faki at the continental office revealed President William Ruto and his Ugandan counterpart Yoweri Museveni agreed to support his ambitions.

He also noted that Samia Suluhu of Tanzania, Salva Kirr of South Sudan, South Africa’s Cyril Ramaphosa, and Felix Tshisekedi of DRC have pledged to vote for him.

“Samia Suluhu has already said she will vote for me. Salva Kiir has accepted, and I want to sweep across the entire East Africa before heading south. The other day, I was with Ramaphosa, and he said yes, and Tshisekedi also said yes,” remarked Raila.

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