July 3, 2024

Detectives launch investigation over mysterious death of bank employee

2 min read
Detectives launch investigation over mysterious death of bank employee

Missing bank employee found dead in Nairobi's South B estate after going missing for a week as the police open investigations

Missing bank employee found dead in Nairobi’s South B estate after going missing for a week as the police open investigations.

The bank employee, 35-year-old was found dead in her house in Nairobi’s South B Area.

She has been missing since last weekend after failing to show  up at her work place, according to preliminary police reports.

Her colleagues sounded off alarm after the lady who lives alone failed to respond to calls or text messages.

The 35-year-old was a cash officer at the bank.

Police forced entry ito her apartment in South B after they found the door locked from the inside.

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They noted that a spent syringe was found next to her half-naked body, but investigations have commenced to establish the cause of her death.

The body, which has since been moved to a mortuary, did not have any defensive wounds but blood oozed from the deceased’s mouth.

It was also not immediately clear the contents of the syringe which has been taken in for further investigations.

According to the police, an autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of death.

In addition, police have are yet to pinpoint the banker’s final minutes or her last contacts. 

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