July 2, 2024

Don’t equate my call for Mt Kenya unity with tribalism; DP Gachagua to critics

2 min read
Don't equate my call for Mt Kenya unity with tribalism; DP Gachagua to critics

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has told critics of his Mt Kenya unity call to stop equating it with tribalism

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has told critics of his Mt Kenya unity call to stop equating it with tribalism.

Speaking on Wednesday, June 5, in Nyeri County, Gachagua said the unity he is agitating for in Mount Kenya is to rally the region and all its people fully behind President William Ruto. 

“When we are calling for unity of this region, it is not against anybody. There are people confusing our unity agenda with tribalism, they get it wrong. Far from it, people want unity of purpose so that we can effectively push for our fair share of the national cake and relevance in the national political discourse. If we are not united, we will not be strong,” said the Deputy President.  

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Gachagua asked leaders to unite in their respective regions so that there could be cohesion in the country.

“I am happy because people at the grassroots are united and in support of our unity agenda. The leaders fighting it and criticising should learn that all politics is local and they should listen to the ground,” he stated.  

The Deputy President was in the company of political leaders including Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga.

“As we talk about national unity we cannot ignore unity at the regions or be divided at the counties. People unite because there are common things that they share. There cannot be unity in Kenya if the counties and regions are not united,” said Governor Kahiga.

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