June 29, 2024

DP Gachagua cancels Wednesday meeting ahead of Azimio protests

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DP Gachagua cancels wednesday meeting ahead of Azimio protests

DP Rigathi Gachagua cancellS his Bomet meeting ahead of this week’s protests called by Azimio leader Raila Odinga

DP Rigathi Gachagua cancellS his Bomet meeting ahead of this week’s Wednesday protests called by Azimio leader Raila Odinga.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has cancelled his meeting with Bomet County leadership which was supposed start on Wednesday.

In a statement by Governor Hillary Barchok, the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 19 and Thursday, July 20, 2023, to discuss coffee, tea and milk reforms was called off due to unavoidable matters.

“This is due to an unavoidable urgent matter in the DP’s diary; nevertheless it will allow ample time for the various organs in the county to prepare adequately and ensure everything is set before welcoming the Deputy President at a later date to be announced,” the statement read in parts.

Further, the county boss cautioned locals from engaging in demos terming them ‘illegal’.

“Members of the public are urged to go about their daily businesses in building the nation and ignore calls for illegal demonstrations by selfish politicians who are hell-bent on reversing the gains made by the Kenya Kwanza government so far,” he added.

DP Gachagua had earlier remarked that despite Azimio Leader Raila Odinga’s continued anti-government protests, the government would not invite him for negotiations and a possible handshake.

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“Let no advisor ask us to negotiate with Raila so that he can be controlled and call off the demonstrations. This is a trend that he has formed,” he remarked noting that the government was ready to combat any planned wave of protests.

Meanwhile, the State on Monday, July 17, 2023, withdrew security officers attached to top Azimio la Umoja leaders following Interior Cabinet Secretary Kindiki Kithure’s warning that the government will not allow the leaders to hold protests while enjoying State security.

However, a defiant Raila noted that the demos will remain as planned.

“Starting on Wednesday, be ready for the game-changing Maandamano,” he tweeted after meeting the Azimio parliamentary leaders.

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