July 3, 2024

DP Gachagua goes after Coast politicians after skipping his event

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DP Gachagua goes after Coast politicians after skipping his event

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua slams politicians from the Coast region for shipping his fight against drugs and alcohol abuse in Mombasa

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua slams politicians from the Coast region for shipping his fight against drugs and alcohol abuse in Mombasa.  

Speaking on Monday, February 26 during the Coast Region Alcohol and Drug Abuse Conference in Mombasa County, Gachagua wondered why the politicians were silent despite the issue escalating.

“Why are most Coast leaders quiet on the issue of drugs yet it is a huge problem affecting the people they lead? Could it be that they are scared of drug barons? These are elected leaders what are they not talking or could it be some of these drug barons assisted them during the elections?” Gachagua posed. 

The DP also questioned the absence of some leaders in the conference which is aimed at finding a solution for the drug and alcohol menace in the region.

“Why are some not here, this is a very important conference to discuss the very existence of our population in this region. This is a conversation that every elected leader should be part of because there is a serious problem,” Gachagua stated.

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DP Gachagua noted that the government cannot win the war against drugs and illicit alcohol abuse without the region’s leadership.

The Deputy President called on Coastal leaders to be vocal on the drug menace in the region.

“We want to hear you more because leaders are very important as they represent the people. Unless the leaders are telling us there is no problem,” Gachagua added.

The DP has been at the forefront in the war against illicit alcohol and drug abuse across the country. Gachagua on Saturday announced that the government will introduce strict measures to wipe illicit brews and drugs destroying the lives of hundreds of Kenyans.

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